Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Day 3-5 Chemo, Phase 1

13 June 2015, Saturday

Abang Khalis & Mu'az come and visit Danish today. They are very excited, each of them putting their face masks which Mama has bought for them, as to avoid any virus from spreading from or to them, as they are in the hospital area. Danish is surely excited too! All of you straightaway hugging each other! And of course Mama missed Khalis & Mu'az too as it has been awhile since Mama is away at the hospital. Mama couldn't wait for all of us to be reunited again!!

As to Mama's surprise, Khalis & Mu'az has a new look! Abah has shaved all their hair last nite, which Khalis has longed asked for this style haha..

At the waiting area

Abang Khalis saying hi to Adik Danish

14 June 2015, Sunday

Last nite suddenly Abah called Mama and informed that Mu'az is having fever, and the temperature is quite high at 39.3 degree celcius. Straightaway Mama is in tears, so worried, as both my sons is sick at the same time but in different places. Abah come and stayed with Danish while Mama went back home and took care of Mu'az. The whole day today Mama monitored Mu'az temperature. The good thing is Mu'az is still very active while having some temperature. Mama took this opportunity too prepare for Abang Khalis first day of school tomorrow after a 2 weeks mid-year school holiday. That night, Mu'az is all well, with no fever, mashaAllah syukur Alhamdulillah Ya Allah.. Allah is the Almighty. Abah also updated that Danish is doing well too at the hospital. And today is actually Fathers Day and a University Malaya student came and helped Danish to prepare Fathers Day card specially for Abah!

His plan is always the best of course. A little test from Him, for all of us to remembered Him more. Luckily Mama can have some rest at home, spend some quality time with Khalis & Mu'az, and prepare for Khalis's schooling tomorrow. And Danish can spend Fathers Day with Abah.

15 June 2015, Monday

Today Mama has the opportunity to send Abang Khalis to school. On the way to school Abang Khalis told Mama that this coming Wednesday is his birthday! Abang Khalis wanted to bring some party packs to his friends, and he is hoping that he could give some superhero Lego to his friends. Okay, Mama loves the idea!

So later that day, Mama & Mu'sz is in a mission to prepare Abang Khalis's party pack! Yey, we manage to get everything ready Alhamdulillah...

Superhero Lego, Cakes and Sweets

21 pax of party packs for 3 As Shabani for Khalis's 9th Birthday. May Allah bless you Abang Khalis

And Mu'az is having some good time with Mama while shopping for Abang Khalis today!..alhamdulillah Ya Allah..


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